Links not on the main list. Smaller or more esoteric projects, or things built in old tech like flash. Worth digging through.
If any links are broken, let me know.


Genetic Walkers
Evolving creatures walk better and better. Created by Rafael Matsunaga

Genetic Cars
Evolving cars on a procedural racetrack. Created by Rafael Matsunaga.

Standing Waves
Simple simulation where you can control a wave. Built by Nerd Island Studio.

Agent Higgs 1
Particle physics puzzle game, based on the rules of the Standard Model. Version 1 is a bit hard to access now. Created by TestTubeGames.

Quantum TiqTaqToe
Tic Tac Toe with quantum mechanical rules, for both web and mobile. Created by Evert.

SPH Fluid Simulator
Simulation using SPH of a ball in water. Created by Hector Arellano.

Syllabus Games
List of science games and interactives, pulled together by the SyllabusGames YouTube channel, in association with this video.

Gravity Lab
Gravity simulation by the National Science & Tech Medals Foundation.

QUARKED! Adventures in the Subatomic Realm!
A full multimedia quark adventure, with videos, stories, and games. Created by a team led by Alice Bean.

CPU Balls
Super silly game about building circuit components, but instead of electrons moving, there are little 2d physics balls. Created by NoNotCar.

Psi & Delta
Game exploring quantum mechanics where you’re a little robot traveling along a wavefunction. Created by folks at Georgia Tech.

Optical Microscopy Primer
Many, many pages explaining the history of microscopes and how they work. Occasionally has some interactive simulations mixed in. Created by Michael W. Davidson.

Logic Gates
Part game, part quiz about building logic gates. Created by Keremoner.

Quantum 3 Game
Game for iPhone (Android version not working) where you basically play a match-3, but with quarks forming hadrons. Created by Michigan State University.

Creatures Docking Station
An old (2001) virtual life sim where the creatures have digital dna and traits are passed down accordingly. Surprisingly complex. Created by Creature Labs.

Superposition Arcade
Game about quantum logic gates, where you use gates to direct falling balls. Build by rsoiffer.

Neutron Star in my City
Fun toy that shows what it would look like to have massive space objects floating over your town. Created by Daniel Wysocki and HanGyeol Suh.

Fold proteins as best as you can. A classic ‘citizen science’ game where by playing you can help investigate the science of how proteins get their shapes.

Chaotic Planets
A gravitational simulator that lets you fling planets and see what happens. Created by MinuteLabs.

An Interactive Introduction to Fourier Transforms
An approachable look at Fourier Transforms. Or, what sound waves, cool circular drawings, and jpegs have in commmon. Created by Jez Swanson.

Visualizing a Black Hole
Simulates the path of light around a black hole, and you can drag your view around. Created by Antonell.

Donkey Kong Country with Relativity
A platformer game that includes some relativistic effects. By the SyllabusGames YouTube channel, in association with this video:

Space Time Travel
Website that has tons of videos, simulations, and mathematical explanations of how to visualize relativity. Created by Ute Kraus and Corvin Zahn.

A tool for exploring and animating electromagnetic waves. Created by András Szilágyi.

Relativity Simulator
Various simple, short simulations of Special Relativity. Created by Alex Reinhart.

Sim Bucket
Various small simulations about chemistry and physics, created by Nerd Island Studios.

A game that involves optics, aiming lasers and such, loosely based on physics. Created by

Quantum Chess
A variation of chess that includes some quantum rules. Created by Selim Akl and Ryan Kartavicius.

Evolution Simulator
Simulating evolution with little avocado-blobs running to get food. Built by MinuteLabs.

Clim’ City
Sim city style game about climate change. Currently only available in French, and also quite a bit out of date. But I love it. Created by Cap Sciences.

Star in a Box
Explore the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and how stars of various sizes evolve. Built by Jon Yardley, Stuart Lowe, Edward Gomez, Haley Gomez, and Chris North.

PBS Periodic Table
An interactive periodic table by PBS media, which includes a little mystery game to match elements to their descriptions.

SWC Physics Simulations
Collection of physics simulations, with many interactive graphs, created by H. K. Wilfred Lee.

LabXchange Library
Wide variety of simulations and virtual labs, covering biology, chemistry, physics and more. Curated by LabXchange.

Physics Simulations
Lots – hundreds at least – of small physics applets, around a wide range of topics, separated out into two semesters of college physics. Motion, thermo, EM, waves, and optics all covered. Created by Andrew Duffy.

Virtual Oscilloscope
Very simple online oscilloscope that you can fiddle the knobs and buttons on. Created by PhysicsZone.

A long interactive blog post about how a wing works, simulating the movement of air and pressure. The post gets into lots of related physics along the way.

Chemistry puzzle game about lining up molecules correctly by placing certain tiles around a factory. Built by NoNotCar.

Particle Sandbox
A gravity simulator for the web. Created by apexearth.

A game about evolving creatures, all the way to space if I’m not mistaken. Created by Maxis.

Electric Potentials and Fields
Given a certain layout of positive and negative electrodes, this simulator will calculate and display the resulting electric potentials and fields. Built by Nathaniel Klemm.

Experiments with Google
Interesting interactive web simulations, many of which are about fluids and flow. Created by a variety of developers.

A complicated puzzle game where you’re building large molecules. Created by Zachtronics.

Hard Chip
If you’re looking for a game where you design physical computer chips, this PC game is for you. Pretty complex. Created by Elorth.

Classic web game about playing golf in space, having to take the gravity of various objects into account. Created by Funky Pear.

Quantum Marble Maze
A very neat downloadable java game about quantum mechanics. Created by Crispin Cooper.

Relative Hell
Trippy game which takes place in a strange geometric world unlike our own. Two actually, one with de Sitter spacetime, and another with anti-de Sitter spacetime. Created by Zeno Rogue.

The Sapling
Very complex evolution simulator where you can observe and interact with whole 3D ecosystems.

A classic flash game about cell biology, created by Phoenix00017, larsiusprime, and BGroupProduction.